Tag: airplane

It’s been three days and I already feel trapped without my wings.
It’s been three days and I already feel trapped without my wings. But I do know that the sooner we all put the well-being of mankind over that of ourselves, the sooner this will be over. For the next two months, I’m keeping both feet on the ground , but I can’t wait to be back in the friendly skies taking you and your families around the world with me. ✈️💙

The aircraft that shaped private jet travel
Business jets have created a world of opportunity for businesses and high wealth individuals around the world, allowing them the ability to fly themselves or send predominant staff to places that commercial flights can’t reach. They allowed these executives to attend imperative meetings and be home for dinner. The social status of owners increased as well, showcasing to others that they were long on financial resources and short on time.
The following are four aircraft that changed the world in regards to time efficiency, business productivity, and social status. What is most interesting is that all four originated from military contracts with the intent of being quicker and more efficient than predecessors.
Lockheed JetStar – L329
Deliveries: 202 (1961-1980)
Lockheed created the ...

Thai A350 descended below 670ft while still far from Frankfurt runway
German investigators have detailed an approach incident in which a Thai Airways Airbus A350-900 descended to less than 670ft above ground while still nearly 6.5nm from touchdown at Frankfurt Main.
The aircraft (HS-THF) had been inbound from Phuket, at night but in good visibility, on 1 January.
While descending through 7,300ft, the crew was instructed to increase the descent rate. Approach control subsequently clearing the flight to 3,000ft and then to a heading of 040°, at 170kt or faster, to conducted the ILS approach to runway 07R.
German investigation authority BFU states that the crew started extending flaps at 6,000ft and lowered the landing-gear at 5,100ft.
At this point the A350’s rate of descent was around 2,000ft/min, and the rate of descent “increased continuou...

Aircraft in Distress | GTA 5 Airplane Hard Landings
Airplane in GTA 5 is a fragile thing. And land on in difficult circumstances is very complicated. And now I want to show some of my attempts to land in difficult places in this movie here. Some attempts have been unsuccessful.
This is just a demonstration of the physics of aircraft in in this game and has nothing to do with reality.
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/racing.car.games
My work e-mail: 1rcgchannel@gmail.com
Quincas Moreira - Blue Macaw
South London HiFi - Let It Happen
Diamond Ortiz - 8 Year Anniversary

C5 Galaxy taxi to the runway in Wroclaw, Poland
Our first post on Instagram!
For the first post must be something huge. And there it is! C5 Galaxy taxi to the runway in Wroclaw, Poland
Photo: @antek.spotter

ATLAS GLOBAL @atlasjet.istanbul
✈ AIRBUS A330-200
📸 Pic of my collaborator @salv.mike_aviation
🇬🇧 This plane is 14 years old and it is configured with 325 seata in economy class, in a configuration of 2+3+2 seats, divided by two aisles.
AtlasGlobal, also known as Atlasjet until 31 March 2015, was a Turkish airline headquartered in Istanbul, which operated scheduled domestic and international passenger services as well as charter flights, mostly out of its base at Istanbul Airport. The airline filed for bankruptcy on February 12, 2020, and ceased operations permanently after that date.
This aircraft wears the livery of ATLAS GLOBAL, but was rented by CDB Aviation, which is its current owner. It has been here in Naples since 20 February 2020, is parke...

Batplane while parked at Armidale.
Birds making themselves at home on the Batplane while parked at Armidale.