Tuesday, February 11News That Matters

Tag: learjet

The aircraft that shaped private jet travel

The aircraft that shaped private jet travel

Airplanes, Flight Technology
Business jets have created a world of opportunity for businesses and high wealth individuals around the world, allowing them the ability to fly themselves or send predominant staff to places that commercial flights can’t reach. They allowed these executives to attend imperative meetings and be home for dinner. The social status of owners increased as well, showcasing to others that they were long on financial resources and short on time. The following are four aircraft that changed the world in regards to time efficiency, business productivity, and social status.  What is most interesting is that all four originated from military contracts with the intent of being quicker and more efficient than predecessors. Lockheed JetStar – L329 Deliveries: 202 (1961-1980) Lockheed created the ...