Tuesday, February 11News That Matters

Tag: thai

Thai A350 descended below 670ft while still far from Frankfurt runway

Thai A350 descended below 670ft while still far from Frankfurt runway

German investigators have detailed an approach incident in which a Thai Airways Airbus A350-900 descended to less than 670ft above ground while still nearly 6.5nm from touchdown at Frankfurt Main. The aircraft (HS-THF) had been inbound from Phuket, at night but in good visibility, on 1 January. While descending through 7,300ft, the crew was instructed to increase the descent rate. Approach control subsequently clearing the flight to 3,000ft and then to a heading of 040°, at 170kt or faster, to conducted the ILS approach to runway 07R. German investigation authority BFU states that the crew started extending flaps at 6,000ft and lowered the landing-gear at 5,100ft. At this point the A350’s rate of descent was around 2,000ft/min, and the rate of descent “increased continuou...