Tuesday, February 11News That Matters

Tag: warbird

Maverick Release Date Delayed to December Due to COVID-19 Crisis

Maverick Release Date Delayed to December Due to COVID-19 Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a delay in the release of "Top Gun: Maverick" until December 23, 2020, according to Paramount Studios. (Photo: via Paramount Pictures) In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Paramount Pictures has announced they will delay the worldwide theatrical release of the new sequel “Top Gun: Maverick” until December 23, 2020. The move was announced across entertainment media on Thursday, April 2, 2020 and follows a similar announcement about the delay of the upcoming release of the new James Bond movie, “No Time To Die” until November 25, 2020. The Hollywood entertainment outlet Variety wrote that, “’Top Gun: Maverick’ cost over $150 million to make, so Paramount is counting on massive ticket sales in order to turn a profit. The delay gives Paramount more ...
U.S. Marine Corps releases video showing AH-1Z’s air-to-air missile capability

U.S. Marine Corps releases video showing AH-1Z’s air-to-air missile capability

Airplanes, Flight Technology
The U.S. Marine Corps has released footage that showing air-to-air missile capability of the AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter. A few months ago, the U.S. Marine Corps demonstrated the power of Viper attack helicopter through exercise “Viper Storm” that was held at Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton. The Viper Storm exercise took place in Southern Calif. Dec 11, 2019. The attack helicopters flew from two separate locations – one on the coast and one inland – and struck simulated enemy targets representing peer and near peer threats capable of denying naval and joint forces the freedom of navigation essential to maritime control and enhancing operational-level flexibility. A feature of the exercises was the demonstration of the AH-1Z’s little-known capability to attacking drones, ...
Airpower 19 with his replica of the Tummelisa from the 20ies despite adverse weather conditions.

Airpower 19 with his replica of the Tummelisa from the 20ies despite adverse weather conditions.

First of all: I am posting this photo only because nobody has been harmed! Mikael Carlson flew a great demonstration at Airpower 19 with his replica of the Tummelisa from the 20ies despite adverse weather conditions. During landing his aircraft was caught by a gust of wind and hit a taxiway sign during taxiing out and rolled over in succession. The rescue chain was triggered immediately and worked perfectly! The pilot remained unhurt! Considerable material damage was caused to the plane. Day 26 "Emergency Services" @kjdphoto1971 Source
NSFW A pervert’s guide to the 10 best-looking British aircraft

NSFW A pervert’s guide to the 10 best-looking British aircraft

Airplanes, Flight Technology
In 2020 we chose the 10 best looking aeroplanes from Britain.  In 2020 we handed over list to the most misanthropic man to be type-qualified on the Twin Otter, Geoff  G. Visser. Here in startling mordancy, is his assessment of our choices.  The following views may be considered offensive and should not be read by children or Air Chief Marshals. All complaints should be addressed to Mr Visser directly, and not this site. Over to Mr Visser: “Among all the high-altitude hypoxic autoerotic asphyxiation slash-fiction scribbled by those chosen few, not many words stick out as sharply as those written by the late John Gillespie Magee Jr, the writer of the poem High Flight.  It should come as no surprise that the delirious ecstasy of early flight was sexualised by the horny young men and ...