Tuesday, February 11News That Matters

Over 3000 Private Pilot Manuals and Exam Handbooks | Private Pilot License Licence Groundschool Training | PPL JAR JAA FAA ATP

Product Name: Over 3000 Private Pilot Manuals and Exam Handbooks | Private Pilot License Licence Groundschool Training | PPL JAR JAA FAA ATP

Click here to get Over 3000 Private Pilot Manuals and Exam Handbooks | Private Pilot License Licence Groundschool Training | PPL JAR JAA FAA ATP at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Over 3000 Private Pilot Manuals and Exam Handbooks | Private Pilot License Licence Groundschool Training | PPL JAR JAA FAA ATP is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


From the Desk of Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan,Certified Flight Instructor, Educator, JAR & FAA Pilot Examiner


var mydate=new Date()
var year=mydate.getYear()
if (year < 1000)
var day=mydate.getDay()
var month=mydate.getMonth()
var daym=mydate.getDate()
if (daym<10)
var dayarray=new Array(“Sunday”,”Monday”,”Tuesday”,”Wednesday”,”Thursday”,”Friday”,”Saturday”)
var montharray=new Array(“January”,”February”,”March”,”April”,”May”,”June”,”July”,”August”,”September”,”October”,”November”,”December”)
document.write(““+dayarray[day]+”, “+montharray[month]+” “+daym+”, “+year+””)
Re: Soaring Like An Eagle…
Dear Future Pilot,

I f you are reading this letter then it is likely that you have a passion. You have a passion for flying. For the most part people do not sit on the fence when it comes to flying – you either love it or hate it.Something yearns deep inside of you and calls to take flight. There is nothing quite so exhilarating. Allow me for a minute to indulge in a story…

My name is Bruce ‘Flybook’ Hogan. Flying has always been in my blood.

Here’s the story: I remember as a young boy piecing together rickety old contraptions that we were sure would fly but for the most part did not.We had a couple of near misses with death too I am sure.  One particular time we must have got 80 feet in the air and flew probably 500 feet only to come crashing down with our ‘plane’ in splinters!

One thing was certain, I knew from a young age that I was destined to soar the open skies.
Fast forward many years and I did end up following my passions.  I was fortunate enough to get my pilot’s license and eventually ended up with United Airlines.

At United, I had the pleasure to pilot 10 different aircraft ranging from a DC-3 all the way up to a Boeing 747!

I have owned a flight school for nearly 10 years.

I have over 9,000 hours of training pilots alone.

I have trained hundreds of Private Pilots,

Instrument Ratings Commercial Pilots, Airline Transport Pilots and Yes FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS !

I have taught seminars for the FAA and CAA (JAR)

I have mentored flight instructors, yes the people teaching YOU.

I have taught many pilot ground-school classes.

And I am a certified instructor in both single engine and multi engine aircraft as well as a Certified Helicopter Flight Instructor (I’ve recieved my CFI in 1998)

And here is the cool thing….I have never lost that kid inside of me who just loves to fly!  I just made a living out of it.  And now YOU can too….

“I’ve read numerous books on the subject of flight instruction, and this is clearly the best that is on the market in every respect.

This is the first course to provide the prospective or current student pilot a true “real world” perspective of what learning to fly is really all about.

The intuitive approach… combined with the crystal clear video explainations and difficult concepts, and literally the best illustrations and diagrams I have ever seen, serves to set this 2 DVD flight course apart from all others. This course will set a new standard in the field.

Michael Cruz
Flight Instructor, L-39 type rating
Everett, MA

Here’s the BIG problem:

Did you know that most student pilots spend thousands more than they need to and many times become frustrated with flight school owners and inexperienced flight instructors?

Get Your Pilot Training Done In 30 Days!
Well, luckily for you, getting your pilot’s license has become a whole lot easier than it was when I got mine. There really is no excuse for not following your dream.
As such, I have spent 4 years to put together a comprehensive training course that will allow you to attain your pilot’s license in 30 days…

“The 30 Day Crash-Course To Attain Your Private Pilot License
With The #1 Helicopter & Aircraft Flight Training System”

With the Private Pilot DVD Training Course, you get…

Actual FAA & JAR exam study pack with 26,000 Q&As, private pilot syllabus tests plus free cheat sheets and study guides!

A complete helicopter and fixed wing private pilot course that consists of manuals, handbooks & groundschool training

Comprehensive fixed-wing, flex-wing and helicopter pilot tutorial training manuals for JAA, FAA, JAR and CAA pilot training.

A ground school course with over 2000 illustrated pages of flight training manuals (you will be super-prepared before hitting the skies for your first time!)

With over 20 years in the aviation industry, I am a certified instructor who has taught hundreds if not thousands of people like you how to fly and how to get their pilot’s license.
That means I know precisely what it takes to prepare you for the rigorous tests the FAA, JAR or ATP flight school will put you through and I know what it takes for you to pass. Let me break it down for you:

As a matter of fact, over the years I have seen many similarities with hundreds of students who were frustrated and looking for guidance.

So, I have put all my training materials, videos, checklists, handbooks, explanations and many flight training modules all together as I guide you step by step thru all the steps needed to obtain your private pilot license.

And here is exactly what you get inside the course…

For less than the cost of an hours real life ground school, you will have full access to:

Contains over 140 pages packed with essential flight training syllabus

Over 200 pages (17 Chapters) of a complete fixed-wing flight training handbook for pilots.

Complied by true professionals, these manuals are an invaluable resource for embarking or consolidating your private pilot training.

These tutorials and guides have been prepared for:

In preparing these handbooks, the objective was to provide progressive study material using basic terms and language aligned to pilot training at the elementary to the advanced level. A working knowledge of the information contained in  this manual will enable the student to receive maximum benefit from the air exercises.

But thats just for starters. Take a look at module 2 and 3 below…

This module is a fully up-to-date interactive JAR/UK and FAA/US PPL ground school interactive computer course. (Compatible with Win Vista,7 & Mac)

(Compatible with Win Vista,7 & Mac)

Interactive training groundschool course for JAR and FAA

Easy-to-learn course that allows you to study and revise at home “in your own time”

Say goodbye to expensive books & per hour lessons with this course.

Say goodbye to expensive books & per hour lessons with this course.

112 sub topics which can be printed and retained so that you can ‘tick off’ each component as it is studied

This innovative, interactive and fully up to date, virtual online training programme contains the complete JAR, UK NPPL & FAA ground school syllabus.

Exciting 3D colour photos and diagrams to help  aid study and provide visual explanations

Simple to navigate menu that provides for quick cross referencing between subjects

A “must-have” for aspiring pilots and anyone wanting to improve their general aviation knowledge.

Although predominantly aimed at fixed wing light aircraft such as the Cessna 152 this course will prove an asset to those seeking their microlight licence for both fixed and flexwing type aircraft.

It would also be a valuable resource for

single or multi-engine

aircraft, microlight, paramotor, paraglider, glider, hang-glider, helicopter, gyrocopter and balloon pilots wishing to improve their general aviation knowledge.

What’s more, it contains the following tuition to help you pass your PPL Ground School exams:

Quite frankly, to buy the equivalent books would set you back hundreds of dollars, not to mention the bulk and weight of such books. With hundreds of topics covered, these fully illustrated handbooks can be the difference between a safe flight and a tragic one.

With hundreds of topics covered, these fully illustrated handbooks can be the difference between a safe flight and a tragic one.

Once you know this stuff, you’ll be ready for the motherload of all resources I’ve talked about at the start of this letter…

This USX Global Aviation Pilot Ground School and JAR,JAA,FAA and ATP exam pack , test prep and all the references consists over 3000 pages in all.

Over 26,000 Questions and Answers Plus Test Questions

150+ exam guides to help you obtain your private pilot license easily and quickly.

Covers private pilots, commercial pilots, instructors & instruments ratings.

It is recommended by both the FAA & JAR to prepare for the Private Pilot Written Exam, the BiAnnual Flight Review, the FAA Instrument Rating Written Exam, the FAA Commercial Pilot Written Exam, and the Flight Instructor Knowledge Exam.

Included in this module are:

Flight Instructor – Airplane:

This is a massive collection of feedback papers, test prep, exam annexes and essential reference materials containing more JAA ATPL/CPL, FAA exam questions and answers than any other package! You will find many of the questions contained in this package on the current real life exam papers!

As you can see nothing is left out here. You get INSTANT access to everything you need to fully prepare you for your first flight and virtually guarantee your success in learning to fly and getting your pilot’s license!

This is the “good stuff” that cuts right to the chase and shows you the complete path to attaining your private pilot license without the headaches and road blocks.

But thats not all. I’m not just giving you the four core modules.

If you get in before I close the doors (which could be anytime), I’ll give you THREE special, time-limited bonuses that will help you get going with this even faster…

The first bonus is an interactive web-based Radiotelephony learning programme covering all aspects required for obtaining your Radiotelephony licence.

The first bonus is an interactive web-based Radiotelephony learning programme covering all aspects required for obtaining your Radiotelephony licence.

It is currently used by professional flight schools to give you full access to all the information required to obtain your Radiotelephony licence.

It is currently used by professional flight schools to give you full access to all the information required to obtain your Radiotelephony licence.

Here’s a small sample of what it covers..

Here’s a small sample of what it covers..

There are more than 200 pages of current Radiotelephony information for the
novice or experienced pilot. Approved by the CAA and containing the following concise chapters.

for Radio Telephony Course

The stuff you’ll learn in these course will save you hundreds of dollars on “advice” that ends up not helping you at all.

Remember, I said three bonuses, not one. The second bonus is so unique that you’ll never find it anywhere else…

Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll recieve..

Seaplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3)

Balloon Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-11)

Glider Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-13)

Guide To Thunderstorms (AC 00-24B)

And to top it all off, I’m going to do something I didn’t originally plan on doing at all.

Everything you need to know about Aerodynamics and FAA Publications. This 350 Page book is one of the Main Sources the FAA uses for the Private Pilot Written Exam.

Everything you need to know about Aerodynamics and FAA Publications. This 350 Page book is one of the Main Sources the FAA uses for the Private Pilot Written Exam.

This is also great for JAA, JAR pilots looking to broaden their flight knowledge.

Subject Areas In This Book Includes..

Subject Areas In This Book Includes..

“ But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It.
Listen To What Others Are Saying… ”

My training materials, exam and study guides have helped hundreds of pilots around the world. It’s almost embarrassing, but I get letters and emails from customers who have used what they’ve learned to live their dreams and even some who’ve gone on to start successful careers in the aviation industry.

But don’t just take my word for it…listen to some of the testimonials below:

listen to some of the testimonials below:

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bruce on my private pilot test.

Bruce Hogan has not just the write stuff, but he’s a foremost expert at interactive education – a powerful and rare combination when it comes to aviation instruction.

This course is long on invaluable insight for the person seriously considering learning to fly…. a fresh, thoughtful and complete view into the challenges and rewards on the path to becoming a pilot. The value of this course will continue for new pilots as a favorite reference and resource for years to come.

Bruce’s private pilot course

is one of the best aviation investments you can make.

Graeme Beaver Reader’s Digest – Executive Editor
CPA, Private Pilot
Compton, CA

“Forget Jeppesen or Kings School, Bruce’s complete private pilot course will blow these courses away!

Clear, concise, and graphically superior to any other book on the market (and I have most of them). I am a commercial pilot working on my CFI and have found it even more useful the second time reading it. This ought to be the leading text for private pilots in the industry.

A must for a future Aviator!

Dr. Richard EllisSAE S-7 CommitteeATP Single & Multi Engine, CFI Single and Multi Engine, Instrument Airplane
Lancashire, UK

“An Outstanding Resource!”

” I’ve had my hands on many textbooks on different subjects, but this is one of the best I’ve ever seen. The full color photos and illustrations are very well done and relevant.

The PPL training content is thorough, but they also include little one page articles covering tidbits of aviation trivia and history that are entertaining. It’s the kind of book that you pick up to read a specific topic, but continue to read about other things that caught your eye along the way. An outstanding resource for anyone interested in getting a pilot’s license”!

John RaffertyStudent Pilot, Career Firefighter
Southside, AL

“I am a professional airline pilot, and log virtually all of my time in large, turbojet aircraft. I am also a current CFI, although I don’t frequently exercise my Instructor privileges in single engine aircraft.

Not long ago I was approached to assist in teaching a Private Pilot ground school. The selected materials for the course was the “Complete Private Pilot Course” by Bruce Hogan, and I must say that I was very impressed with the course.

It is very complete and provides easy to comprehend explanations (normally with useful diagrams, charts, or photographs) that make learning relatively painless. I highly recommend this course to any Private Pilot or Private Pilot candidate, or to any advanced pilot as a refresher of the basics.

Dr. Chris Kleinert Aviation Consultant
Charleston, S

Are these folks any different than you? No, they are not. They represent professionals, amateurs, beginners and lifelong dreamers with the same passion and dreams that you have.

The only thing they did was to put their doubts aside… and give this course a try. For some of them, it cost several thousand dollars in personal lessons – and was worth every penny.

If you, too, can simply put your doubts aside for a short time, you can see for yourself just what it’s like to learn to fly faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and land that license that you’ve always dreamed of.

But I really don’t want you to trust me on that. In fact, I want you to be skeptical. That’s healthy. I’ll actually help you there, because I’m going to give you my personal promise…

My 60 Days, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

If, for any reason within 60 days (8 weeks) of purchase of this course you feel that the product is not for you, simply let me know and I will refund every penny of your money with no questions asked.

As you can see, you have nothing to risk here.

The Fastest Way To Take To The Skies!

I can offer you my unparalleled 100% satisfaction guarantee because I know from firsthand experience that if you follow my simple step by step instructions in all 4 modules, it’s nearly impossible for you to not succeed.

My test subjects, case studies, and flight club members with their incredible successes are further proof that Complete Private Pilot 2 DVD course is the fastest and best way to take to the skies!

Do you realize what an incredible opportunity this is? To emphasize the point, let me quickly review what you’re getting here…

JAR and FAA Groundschool Pilot Course With Over 2000 Illustrated Pages of Tutorials

Bonus 1: Radio Telephony Course

Bonus 2: Seaplane, Gilder, Balloon Handbooks

But to be honest, I don’t think that retail value is actually the value you’ll get out of this. It’s tough to put a price on it, because I know the truth…

Having struggled myself, I can tell you this very well could be the door to your brand new, astoundingly life as a certified pilot.

In a sense, there aren’t any “short-cuts” out there. But when YOU don’t know the information, it feels like you’ll never find it. Here’s your shot. A month from now, you could still be struggling with your license, or paying for overpriced flight lessons…Or you can take a step that can change your life.

I say trust your intuition to get in on this right now. My guarantee backs you up. What do you have to lose?

Download your copy of Complete Private Pilot course right now. You will get INSTANT ACCESS in a members area. There is NO hidden fees forever.

Go through all the 3 modules in the course and begin applying the concepts and lesson plans with your own personal one-on-one flight trainer.

Attain your JAR/FAA license faster than you’ve ever dreamed possible… and live the life that you’ve always dreamed of…

It doesn’t get easier than that. I’m not claiming this is “push-button” easy, or that you’re going to be a certified pilot tomorrow. But I AM saying it’s silly easy to get started, and attaining your license is MUCH easier than you might think.
Here’s the bottom line: If you have read this far, you only have one question left…

But Bruce, How Much Does This Cost?

Well, what would it be worth to you to get started on the road to your dreams? Truthfully you’d pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars anywhere else for this information.

But here’s a better comparision for you. Take a look at the prices of some other online courses::

And here’s the kicker: These course do not even cover 50% of what my Complete Private Pilot course is offering you! Listen, there is no other course in the market as comprehensive as this. Now for the good news…for a very limited time, you can get the Complete Private Pilot 2-DVD Training Course for…

(This is a time-sensitive discount. I’m offering this for a limited time before it closes forever!)

Let Your Dreams Take Flight…

I’ve been at this since the summer of 1997 helping aspiring pilots obtain their license. I’ve been a certified trainer for over 10 years and I know a thing or two.

I can teach you everything you need to know quickly in a step-by-step system so you can start flying in the next month or less…

This is going to change everything for you.That means no more paying for expensive lessons and no more attending pricey flight schools. No matter where you are in your path to a pilot, this is what you need to leap to the next level of success.

Here’s How To Get Started Flying Today!

Simply click the button below to be taken to our secure servers anytime of day or night. Take action now before the offer runs out:

I’m ready and eager to start downloading CompletePilot course.
By taking action today, I understand that:

On that basis, let me order now before it’s too late-

Your order is protected by 128-bit SSL encryption. [ Add To Cart ] (I reserve the right to remove this discount at anytime without warning.)

P.S. Remember…you have my 100% Risk Free Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee. I am 110% sure you will be happier than a 5 year old on Christmas morning with your package. But if for any reason you are not, no worries. Your investment is guaranteed for a full 60 days.

PPPS: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price. Please do NOT click off this page unless you are positively certain you want to pass up on this offer forever. Give me the Complete Private Pilot Training Package right now »

” The Complete Private Pilot training course is fantastic. The Private Pilot Ground School manuals are packed with useful and important information, like several of the FAA publications put together but more graphic intensive and a bit easier to read.

Each section ends with a summary and a list of key terms, as well as questions to help you burn the knowledge better into your mind.
A fantastic product, definitely one that every pilot or aspiring pilot should own. It is a “steal” at the price Bruce is offering!

Cindy Thelin
New York, NY

By now, you have a good idea what CompletePrivate Course is all about. You’ve read the testimonials of people who rave about the product and you know that you have no risk when you purchase, all the risk is on me.

Remember, in a short time from now you could be entering an aircaft as a pilot! This is the only resource you need to help your dreams take flight…

So take action & order now :

[ Click Here To Order Now ]

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Click here to get Over 3000 Private Pilot Manuals and Exam Handbooks | Private Pilot License Licence Groundschool Training | PPL JAR JAA FAA ATP at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

Over 3000 Private Pilot Manuals and Exam Handbooks | Private Pilot License Licence Groundschool Training | PPL JAR JAA FAA ATP is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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