Tuesday, February 11News That Matters

Tag: aviation

EASA advises carriers to switch off recirculation fans

EASA advises carriers to switch off recirculation fans

Airplanes, Flight Technology
Europe’s safety regulator is advising commercial aircraft operators to adopt new procedures to switch off air-conditioning system recirculation fans regularly, as part of measures to limit the risk of coronavirus contagion. Supplementary procedures to turn off the fans periodically would “accelerate cabin air exchange”, says the European Union Aviation Safety Agency. Its advisory is part of a series of operational recommendations to operators of passenger and cargo aircraft in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Carriers should provide a sufficient supply of surgical-standard face-masks for the intended operation, and these should be worn at all times by crew members having direct contact with passengers or non-crew individuals – and be replaced every 4h. Hand disinfectants s...
Flight Centre starts pitch for $500m rescue

Flight Centre starts pitch for $500m rescue

Flight Centre Travel Group is attempting to secure support for a $500 million equity raising, which would likely take place at a huge discount to its last traded price. The Australian Financial Review claims the business is now in front of a small group of fund managers working to secure a deal, priced at just $7.20 per share. The sources claim Macquarie Capital and UBS started crossing funds, including existing institutional shareholders, on Friday, with the two banks expected to underwrite the offer. Shares in the company last traded at $9.91, down from a 52-week high of $49.14, before a suspension. Last week, Flight Centre Travel Group announced that 3,800 sales and support employees would be either stood down or made redundant in Australia. The business also said it woul...
Smaller Southeast Asian carriers operate reduced schedules

Smaller Southeast Asian carriers operate reduced schedules

Airplanes, Breaking News
Smaller Southeast Asian carriers are operating on reduced schedules, alongside significant cuts by the region’s major operators. Vietnam Airlines’ domestic services are largely suspended, for two weeks until 15 April, except for five routes out of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. This comes after the government issued a directive on 27 March detailing measures to control the spread of coronavirus, which includes curtailing the number of flight operations. Bangkok Airways is suspending all international flights from 29 March till 24 October, and 10 domestic routes from April to October. It continues to operate seven domestic routes, either with reduced frequencies or by deploying the smaller ATR 72 turboprops. To mitigate the impact of lower revenue, the airline is reducing salaries by ...
The aircraft that shaped private jet travel

The aircraft that shaped private jet travel

Airplanes, Flight Technology
Business jets have created a world of opportunity for businesses and high wealth individuals around the world, allowing them the ability to fly themselves or send predominant staff to places that commercial flights can’t reach. They allowed these executives to attend imperative meetings and be home for dinner. The social status of owners increased as well, showcasing to others that they were long on financial resources and short on time. The following are four aircraft that changed the world in regards to time efficiency, business productivity, and social status.  What is most interesting is that all four originated from military contracts with the intent of being quicker and more efficient than predecessors. Lockheed JetStar – L329 Deliveries: 202 (1961-1980) Lockheed created the ...
NSFW A pervert’s guide to the 10 best-looking British aircraft

NSFW A pervert’s guide to the 10 best-looking British aircraft

Airplanes, Flight Technology
In 2020 we chose the 10 best looking aeroplanes from Britain.  In 2020 we handed over list to the most misanthropic man to be type-qualified on the Twin Otter, Geoff  G. Visser. Here in startling mordancy, is his assessment of our choices.  The following views may be considered offensive and should not be read by children or Air Chief Marshals. All complaints should be addressed to Mr Visser directly, and not this site. Over to Mr Visser: “Among all the high-altitude hypoxic autoerotic asphyxiation slash-fiction scribbled by those chosen few, not many words stick out as sharply as those written by the late John Gillespie Magee Jr, the writer of the poem High Flight.  It should come as no surprise that the delirious ecstasy of early flight was sexualised by the horny young men and ...